AI-ntrusive thoughts

I recently came across the following figure, which I find quite thought-provoking.

Essentially, all the popular generative models today “learn” from the Internet in the broadest sense. A good summary of the technology itself can be found on javax0’s blog.

The image shows a sharp decline in StackOverflow visits and, in parallel, user activity. But here’s the thing: the most important source of all programming-related topics for all these models is StackOverflow itself! If the content disappears from there, what will the robot learn from? And what will happen to future technologies?


This question is a bit of a chicken and egg problem, but it’s clearly becoming more pressing now that even more people will use coding assistants after GitHub copilot became free.

Artificial Programming

There are technologies that enclose previous tasks, and in some cases, roles, in parentheses. Everyone repeats that AI is also like this, and in the future, there is no need for ambidextrous one-headed humans. I’m a bit skeptical, because as others have pointed out: “The customer should precisely define what they want. According to this, we are safe.”

Strictly my personal opinion is that ChatGPT and its counterparts are another tool for dumbing down humanity, but the genie cannot be put back in the bottle. If you can’t fight it, use it! So I tried to see how it looks and what we can do with it.


I set the goal of migrating the Corporate Bullshit Generator for Java project to some other language, which in our case turned out to be Go. Primarily because here I have a chance to get a glimpse, but I’m not proficient enough, and in Python, there is already such a thing.

As a constraint, I made it a point to write as little code as possible. The end result is the Corporate bullshit generator for Go project.

*** This article was created with the addition of ChatGPT.

Corporate Bullshit Generator for Java

There used to be the Corporate Bullshit Generator, and after seeing how good it was and even Dilbert’s boss was using it, so reincarnate it in Java.

I’ve been flirting with the idea of taking a look at this for a long time. Markov chains are an interesting topic anyway, and if someone has worked for any of multinational companies, then you know exactly what the person who thinks of the concept of “corporate bullshit” is talking about.

ChatGPT takes our work ***, especially with generators like this, as we can even ask styles from the AI what we want the result to look like. Better results can also be achieved with other machine learning solutions, so it is not worth investing too many resources in the optimization written for the sake of it. So I also looked for an existing implementation, transpiled it and then refactored it.

Dilbert's pointy-haired boss

*** This article has not yet been generated with ChatGPT assistance.